writer of
the week

ire'ne lara silva
Buy the BookTexas Poet Laureate
Texas Poet Laureate ire'ne lara silva has been writing for decades. Her path is unconventional because she does not hold a Phd in literature, or a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, yet, she has been studying not just the craft of writing for decades but also how it functions in community, the real world, and people's lives.
This also means she has been involved with some of Texas's major literary movements, from The Macondo Writers Retreat, founded by Sandra Cisneros, to Resitencia-founded by the late Raul Salinas, and of course, she is a dear friend of Nuestra Palabra: Latinos Having Their Say. NP founder Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante, interviews her about her book the eaters of flowers in the inaugural edition of the NP Show, airing on their new website featuring signed copies of the eaters of flowers.
Find out more about her in the interview, and purchase a signed copy of her book from the NP website. All proceeds benefit Latino writers, publishers, and helps Nuestra Palabra continue to give back to the community.
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